

Wendy Holdener Fanclub

Shortly before the Junior World Championship 2011 in Crans Montana (Switzerland) Steve (Wendy’s older brother) and the founder president agreed that if Wendy won a medal at the games they would establish a fan club for Wendy. Wendy won three medals at the Junior Championship and there was therefore no way back for the two gentlemen.

After four years the fan club already counted 180 members. Thanks to Wendy’s success the club grew steadily over the years. Thus the club management decided to professionalize the club structure before the season 2016/17 started. Today, the fan club management counts five persons and the club has just over 800 members including sponsors and family members.

In 2012 the famous annual barbecue with Wendy started. At the beginning it took place on a small scale with around 50 participants, but as the club grew continuously more and more people joined the end of season barbecue. Already in May 2019 a total of 400 people took part.

The main purpose for Wendy’s fan club is to be her personal “motivation support”. As often as possible the fan club tries to support her live at the venues and also supports her when things do not go that well. The Wendy Holdener fan club is internationally recognized due to heavy noise they make at the venues with their cow bells, by wearing special dresses and of course by the number of people supporting her live.


Follow the Fan Club

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook

Join the fan club

Would you like to join the Wendy Holdener fan club? Fill in all necessary information in the subscription form below and you’re in.
The yearly membership* fee is CHF 40.00 per person or CHF 80.00 per family (two adults including their kids up to 18 years). Thank you for ticking the box to let us know whether you are signing up as a single person or for a family membership.

*Note on membership: A single membership is only possible from the age of 18. For the individual membership under 18-year-old a consent of the parents / guardians is required.

Electronical information from the fan club
Would you like to receive all information from the fan club electronically from now on? In this case please tick the box below.

Wendy’s Newsletter
Would you like to receive the Wendy newsletter? This newsletter is created by Wendy’s management from time to time and keeps you updated about Wendy and her season. This newsletter will only be provided by email.

Calculation: Add 9 + 5

Information for fan club members

You have moved or your e-mail address has changed?

Then please inform us by e-mail and send us your new data *. We can then update this in our membership list.

* Your data is safe with us! We will never share your personal information with third parties or use it for promotional purposes.


Contact for fan club members

Please send us an e-mail. We will contact you as soon as possible


You need our bank account?

Bank: Schwyzer Kantonalbank, 6431 Schwyz

IBAN: CH50 0077 7008 0391 1137 8

Account holder:
Wendy Holdener Fanclub
Genossenhausstrasse 2
8842 Unteriberg


Here you can download a deposit slip as PDF.

Deposit Slip

Important information for all fan club members

We would like to inform you that we take pictures at all events which may be used on our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram etc.), on our homepage and in our annual fan club book. Please be informed that these pictures are taken spontaneously and will certainly not be shared or sold to any third party provider.

As a member of the Wendy Holdener fan club you accept that we can use any pictures taken during our activities free of charge and publish them in the best interest of the fan club without your permission.